Saturday, October 9, 2010

Translation Forum Russia 2010 - Jost Zetzsche

Jost Zetzsche participated in Translation Forum Russia 2010 as a speaker of two themes: Moving Beyond the Hype to What Really Matters in the Translation Industry and Translation Environment Tools Roundabout. Jost Zetzsche is well known by his ebook Translator's Tool Kit (indispensable guide for novice translators), his biweekly newspaper Tool Kit, his 20 video presentations on translator's tools Translators Training and certainly by Jeromobot, the patron saint of the modern translator, who has the profile in Facebook, the channel in YouTube and the timeline in Twitter.

At the conference Jost Zetzsche showed the highest competence and inspired and shared the passion of his ideas among listeners.

For myself I have kept in mind two ideas of Jost Zetzsche. The first idea is that we already live in the machine translation age. Yesterday I read the tweets of Olexandr Pysaryuk from the conference Localization World in Seattle. The speakers of such companies as Autodesk, Cisco, Symantec and Adobe indirectly confirmed the idea of Jost Zetzsche:

MT Doing Leaders, not Thought Leaders, on #locworld panel: Autodesk, Cisco, Symantec, Adobe. Intro by @lorithicke

Adobe works with 7-8 post-editing LSPs. Raymond Flournoy at #locworld

Autodesk did MT post-editing productivity tests. Proved to work. #locworld

MT is safe, and definitely cheaper to post-edit than translate. Pablo Vasquez, Cisco. #locworld

Best is to use at least 3 MT engines, depending on needs. Symantec at #locworld

It's not about testing just the MT technologies but also testing what data you should and shouldn't mix. Autodesk at #locworld

What engines Autodesk, Cisco, Adobe & Symantec use?: (not in company order) ProMT, Systran, Moses, Language Weaver, both, several. #locworld

There is a need for tool providers to come up with MT post-editing environments. #locworld

There is a reason for thinking.

The second idea is that a translator shall constantly work on his/her translation environment tools (TEnT). As Jost Zetzsche wrote in his ebook:

It is time to adopt a new paradigm for our profession: Not only is it acceptable to use computers well—it is critical to our success.

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